Leverage Google Changes for Increased Sales

Google has transformed, and so has SEO. For brick-and-mortar businesses, understanding and leveraging these changes can put you ahead of your competition.

Due to these changes, many companies have lost their ranking, and this needs to be fixed for your company to display online.

By mastering the latest SEO strategies, you can drive more traffic to your website, convert visitors into customers, and significantly boost your sales.

To learn more, attend a Free Zoom Webinar explaining all of this, Request a Free Consultation, or explore our Remote Webmaster Services.

Know where you stand

In todayā€™s digital landscape, visibility is key to driving sales. With Google’s recent changes, itā€™s more crucial than ever to understand how to rank at the top of search results.

Discover how your business is performing online with our suite of free analytical tools. These tools will provide you with the insights needed to develop a strategic plan to fill in any gaps.

Need personalized support? Schedule a free consultation with us. Weā€™ll guide you on the best steps to take, or you can opt to hire our expert team to execute the plan for you. Letā€™s ensure your business stands out and thrives online.

To learn more, attend a Free Zoom Webinar explaining all of this, Request a Free Consultation, or explore our Remote Webmaster Services.

Here are some links to tools you can use for self-analysis. For additional tools and services, check out our remote webmaster services page. These tools are included in our packages, or you can purchase them directly to manage in-house.


    news and updates

    Our Services


    Our web development consulting journey begins with understanding you and the essence of your unique business.


    We delve deep to assess the strengths and gaps in your online presence.

    Our goal is to amplify your website’s traffic by collaboratively pinpointing strategies that work best.

    Together, we’ll define clear roles, ensuring both our expertise and your vision coalesce into tangible results.


    Our consulting approach is meticulously crafted to illuminate the unseen: filling in the gaps, unearthing blind spots.


    We introduce innovative insights.

    We don’t just skim the surface; we delve deep, unveiling transformative ideas that resonate with your audience.

    With a keen focus on actionable steps, we ensure our insights translate to tangible outcomes, driving measurable results and elevating your online presence to new heights


    Our unique remote webmaster service offers an intimate, yet digital experience We host regular phone calls and Zoom meetings.


    With regular phone calls and Zoom meetings, we ensure constant communication and transparency.

    Our comprehensive online project management systems provide real-time updates and detailed reports, allowing you to evaluate tangible results effortlessly.

    This method is not only cost-effective compared to in-house hiring but also prioritizes your time and convenience, ensuring intelligent strategies lead to consistent progress.


    Step into our expansive gallery, showcasing a diverse range of past projects, from the latest innovations to timeless new classics.


    Witness firsthand the transformative results achieved by various companies we’ve collaborated with.

    Each project tells a story of growth, vision, and success.

    We invite you to explore and be inspired by the tangible outcomes and milestones these businesses have celebrated with our partnership.


    “Profit-Driven Web Mastery” Navigate the fast-changing online world with a program designed for pioneers at every level. Whether you’re just starting or looking to stay ahead, our approach equips you with the knowledge and tools to capitalize on significant shifts. As recent Google updates reshuffle the deck, seize the chance to leap ahead in the marketplace. Dive in, adapt, and lead the way to digital triumph. Register for specials, complimentary online training, the latest news, and alerts.Ā 


    Dive into custom web design tailored uniquely for you. Reflecting your brand and style, we craft templates that resonate with your distinct services and products.


    It’s more than just a website; it’s your digital storefront, the initial touchpoint for potential clients.

    First impressions matter, and our designs ensure visitors immediately grasp who you are, your business ethos, and how seamlessly you can meet their needs.


    SEO and online marketing are pivotal for digital visibility. While SEO positions your website in specific categories, a holistic content marketing strategy is vital.


    Incorporating video, blogging, social media, email, and more, enhances your online footprint.

    Each element not only bolsters your brand’s presence but also influences search engines’ decisions to rank you higher. Together, they form a cohesive approach to climb the digital ladder.

    Tutoring & Coaching

    Remote web development and marketing tutoring will empower you to master your website. You’ll soon grasp the intricacies of your online platform.


    Just as we’ve evolved from operator-assisted phone calls, you don’t need a webmaster for every change.

    By understanding the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of your site’s operations, you can delegate tasks confidently, ensuring a foundation built on knowledge and purpose


    Diversifying your website’s income streams is smart business. If visitors don’t purchase your primary offering, they might be interested in other products or services you can recommend.


    By capitalizing on the traffic you’ve already attracted, you can present them with alternative offers, turning potential missed opportunities into lucrative side income.

    It’s about maximizing the potential of every site visitor.

    Watch Our Vision

    Upcoming free zoom training events

    Upgrades for 2024

    Landing Pages

    Attract your ideal customers and make them convert. We design stunning websites and landing pages that turn your visitors into new customers.


    We create some of the highest-converting videos in the industry, from reputation videos to expert interviews to online offers.


    Social Media Management

    Grab the attention of your customers and find new prospects easily with our cutting edge social media marketing strategies.



    Get high-quality leads for your team every day. Weā€™ll do the hard work to deliver the contacts you need to grow your business.


    Reputation Marketing

    Get stellar reviews and blow away your competition. Weā€™ll teach you to market your 5-Star status to dominate your market.


    Turn the names on your email list into money in the bank. Highly targeted email campaigns can return up to 40X what they cost.


    Customer Retargeting

    Capture 100% of your website visitors after theyā€™ve left your site. Reach them when theyā€™re ready to buy to 10X your marketing!



    Drive more ready-to-buy traffic to your website. Find your dream clients online with our proprietary traffic strategies.




    In this historic moment, every tool awaits you. Seize your ambition, act decisively, and embrace unparalleled success.



    Who are you?

    Harness your unique strengths, generate income, and profoundly impact others. Discover purposeful prosperity.



    True freedom demands responsibility. Without it, liberty is hollow. Elevate truth and love above all for genuine liberation.

    + Web Projects

    Design platforms

    + years experience

    darold turock

    I’m a self-taught web designer and online marketing specialist with 15 years of experience. My focus is on creating custom websites and tailored marketing plans to boost your online presence. Whether you want guidance, training, or a dedicated webmaster, I’m here as your success coach, ready to help you thrive online.

    Allow us to introduce our exceptional outsourced programmer, Atizaz Ahsan. With a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, Atizaz hails from Islamabad, Pakistan. Over the past three years, he has honed his expertise in website design and development, emerging as a true master in crafting WordPress websites.

    Atizaz Ahsan

    Ā Beyond his technical prowess, Atizaz is known for his honesty, hard work, and unwavering dedication. He’s not only a wizard in the digital realm but also an active member of his community. Atizaz passionately participates in community projects called ‘kitchens,’ where he and other dedicated individuals provide food and essential resources to community members grappling with the challenges of high inflation.

    Join us in embracing his wizardly approach to programming excellence and his compassionate commitment to making a positive impact in his community. With Atizaz, you get not only technical expertise but also a socially conscious partner in your journey towards success.


    Questions? – CONTACT US NOW

    Get a custom evaluation

    Unlock the potential of your business online with a FREE Zoom consultation ā€“ no strings attached. Discover what’s working and what’s not, because in the digital age, the cost of being invisible to potential customers is too high. Click ‘FREE CONSULT‘ and schedule a time that suits you!